Forty-five years is successful collection of folk songs and dances Wallach Duke of Kozlovic. His repertoire focuses on the songs, dances and customs of northern Wallachia, Lachia-Wallachian border and the Moravian border. The ensemble, which is to know the great effort, perseverance and work of many of its members, could both young and old visitors to holiday on Saturday, November 7 at the hall of the municipal office in Kozlovice. That's where he began striking the eighteenth hour concert on the 45th anniversary of the group. Already 120 years ago the kozlovičtí dancers together with Valkov dulcimer music from Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem presented at an ethnographic exhibition in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Expert guarantor when the composer Leos Janacek, who had just Kozlovice along with Vsetin chosen as a representative Lachia File drawn from the collections of Francis Sušil, Frantisek Bartos, Leos Janacek, Vincent sculptures and many other carriers traditions. Among the members of the group and its leadership in the 45-year history, been many names and work in a file are often handed down from generation to generation. File collects successful not only on the domestic stage as festivals in the guardroom, but also abroad. For example, he visited Russia, Jordan and Armenians, but also in Asia. Last foreign invitation is performances in South America, Peru. While audience applause appreciate the dance and music files not only domestic, but also set Ostravica from Frydek Mistek. The gala performance was the launch of the new CD "One man hath been" issued Brno Publisher. The recording includes 17 newcomers from the current repertoire of dulcimer music, soloists and choir file. The time spent in a file reminisce used to be musicians and dancers. And you want the file to the future? Conclusion gala evening belonged dances and meetings with cymbals.
Culture and entertainment in the Czech Republic
Wallach Duke
Kozlovice: Valassky VOjvoda (Wallach Duke) celebrated 45 years of existence