Kozlovice in Frydek Mistek organized every year as its general celebration. Those of this year fell on Saturday, September 12th. There firehouse was prepared from the afternoon program hosted by a pair Slávek Vašenda and Thomas Machálek. Kozlovice supports many clubs and associations, which are then involved in the formation program of the various events.
Reportáž / Reportage:
Zdroj / Source: Kozlovice - Municipal festivities in 2015 www.BeskydskaTelevize.cz:
In a brief speech the example presented the choir of students of local elementary school "Sboreček" which presents almost all the actions and Eva Kolarova with belly dancing. Also presented are the children of a local dance club. Attractive appearance on trampolines prepared champions of the Czech Republic Roznov. Garnered applause and girls from Frydek group Funky Beat. In the Wallachian village can not miss a set of brass music and certainly not the children's ensemble Valasek. After that stage then it belonged musicians and dancers Wallachian Voivode. From celebrities to the group Trio presented Kozlovický native Martin Sevcik. The whole event was accompanied by a rich accompanying program. The weather was nice and this year's municipal festivities attracted more than a thousand lovers of good fun and not just from Kozlovic, but also further afield. Perhaps the biggest star of this year became Jaroslav Uhlir. During the show, not missing a notorious melodies from films and fairy tales. He sang and danced not only children but also many adults. The event ran until late at night with a band RUM
Foto Zdroj / Source: Kozlovice - Municipal festivities in 2015 www.BeskydskaTelevize.cz:
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